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Our team is analyzing how the Green Seal Standard for Lodging Properties (GS-33) affects greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the hospitality sector in Los Angeles.  By comparing electricity data from hotels before and after GS-33 certification, we will quantify GHG emissions impacts from the three certification levels – Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Reducing GHG emissions from hotels may dramatically contribute to AB 32 (California Global Warming Solutions Act) emissions reduction goals and the city of LA's sustainability goals while decreasing the overall costs of operations for hotels. 

  1. Develop a computer-based model to quantify the greenhouse gas reductions associated with Green Seal’s GS-33 lodging certification program.

  2. Analyze how the GS-33 program can help the City of Los Angeles reach its AB 32 targets, based on how many hotels achieve certification.

  3. Create outreach strategies for Green Seal to target the hospitality industry and highlight the financial and environmental benefits associated with green certification. 


Green Seal will obtain a model that they can provide to hotels for estimating the potential greenhouse gas emissions reductions associated with certification. Hotels in Los Angeles will understand how the GS-33 standards can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving cost savings. Lastly, the City of Los Angeles can use this model to explore scenarios of greenhouse gas reductions and determine the associated benefits for its residents. 

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